australian gold

美 [ɔːˈstreɪliən ɡoʊld]英 [ɒˈstreɪliən ɡəʊld]
  • 网络澳大利亚黄金
australian goldaustralian gold
  1. Australian gold mining company , a small investment opportunity !


  2. Anglo American PLC is about to announce a tie-up with Australian gold explorer Beadell Resources , Deal Journal Australia reported this month .


  3. But was positioning Australian Gold as a lifestyle brand a viable strategy ?


  4. Australian Gold sponsored an episode of the show last month in which celebrities developed a campaign for the sunscreen based on the gold life concept .


  5. As a part of the show , Australian gold sponsored AIDS Project Los Angeles ( the charity of choice of the winning team ) , creating further viewer goodwill toward the brand .


  6. For Australian Gold , this means that it will now compete not only with sunscreen brands but also with apparel brands such as Quicksilver , Rip Curl and Hollister .


  7. Chinese migrants have been an important part of Australian society since the gold rush period when they began to have their first Chinese-language newspaper .
